Piledriver Slough

Piledriver Slough is a slough of the Tanana River that runs only about three miles from home.   Years ago a gravel road was built over the slough that acted as a filter to produce a spring-like effect.   The water downstream of the road is crystal clear.

Arctic Grayling now populate Piledriver and provide great action for novice flyfishers.  A group of visiting college cheerleaders all had success flyfishing on Piledriver Slough.

Cathy with Grayling Cathy was a cheerleader from the University of Texas.  She caught this Arctic Grayling with a little coaching on Piledriver.

Each of these four college athletes were able to catch a few Arctic Grayling.

Chris Pettine coaches Patty Danowski on Piledriver during the spring of 1999.

Chris and Patty were married in 2000.  They have a Son, Joshua, who was born in 2001.
Chris and Patty on Piledriver

Devin fishing Piledriver Piledriver provides a very easily accessible stream for the novice flyfisherman to be introduced to the sport.   The Grayling on Piledriver are typically quite small, but provide lots of action.

My young Son, Devin, on one of his first flyfishing adventures in 1993.

Each of my Sons have cut their teeth on Arctic Grayling caught in Piledriver Slough.

Woody lands an Arctic Grayling at Piledriver in 2001.
Woody with Grayling

Kevin with Grayling Kevin Kenaston caught this Arctic Grayling while fishing with me at Piledriver Slough in the early Spring of 2005.

Piledriver Slough is always the first fishable water available in the spring.

McKinley went out with me on my first outing of 1999.   We caught several Grayling together to break in the new fishing season.
Mack with Grayling

Mack Fishing Mack does battle with a 10 inch Grayling from a snowbank in April.   Piledriver Sough will be Mack's flyfishing training ground for years to come.

Benjamin K. Baker
Copyright ©:  1999, Far North Management Corp.
(907) 488-6388
Revised -- 5 Aug 2005
3033 Taxilane A  North Pole AK  99705
URL: http://www.alaska.net/~bakerb